Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The first snow...

I was walking down Forbes Avenue towards the main campus, completely flustered about an upcoming mid term examination in a rather difficult course. I was sure I was not going to do well and it would pull my grades down. The smile had been wiped off my face. I had just spoken to my father and was feeling bad that I couldn't wish him "Happy Birthday" at 12 am sharp IST.

Suddenly I felt something cold landing on my lip. Confused, I looked up. And there it was! Snow flakes descending from the grey overcast skies above... all around me. It was a beautiful sight. Just a flurry... some random snow flakes here and there. I looked around completely mesmerised. I forgot that I had been worried about an examination. Suddenly I looked at my watch and realised I had to reach within the next 8 minutes... Increased my speed but kept looking around every now and then. But now there was a huge smile on my face...

This is what the first snow can do to you....


zoxcleb said...

yes.. its amazing.. snow fall, technically speaking is still just condensation of water from the clouds. Yet, it makes a remarkable difference on people when compared to its cousin, rain!
And it seems that snow flake brough with it some good news as well... so let it snow let it snow let it snow!

Ujjwal said...

good news like what? and wait till the flakes change to snow balls falling on ur window and the temp getting down to -20 degrees C.

Rohan said...

I envy you yaar, I guess around the same time I was sleeping, sweating and mosquitoes were having a field day feasting on my blood!

And whats the talk about Good News? Whats so "Good" a "News", which ain't on teh blog !!!

Rohan said...
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Ujjwal said...

agla post is sem meh aaega naa?

Dev said...

very encouraging for a guy leaving for Canada....